Ñèñòåìà Orphus

5����������������������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� ��������������� Directing a Conversation p.6


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* 5 Directing a Conversation (p.6 of 8)


5.26�� When you don�t want the speaker to repeat the point


So you said.�� Listen�� <�I like this place.� � �If you like it, I don�t mind being here.� � �This place is excellent.� � �So you said.�>

I get the point.�� Listen�� A �I understand what you want to say.��� <�You don�t need to repeat it. I get the point.�>

All right, already.�� Listen�� A �I understood you. You don�t need to repeat it.��� <�I told you the boss was awaiting your report.� � �All right, already. Don�t push me.�>

I heard you, already.�� Listen�� <�Come on! Let�s go!� � �I heard you, already. Don�t rush me.�>

Stop harping on that subject.�� Listen�� A �Stop raising that topic again and again.��� <�I know I made a mistake. Stop harping on that subject.�>

You are preaching to the choir.�� Listen�� A �You are trying to convince a group of people who are already on your side.��� <�Don�t waste your time explaining us the problem. You are preaching to the choir�>

You sound like a broken record.�� Listen�� <�How many times do I need to ask you to help me?� � �You sound like a broken record. Can�t you wait?�>

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5.27�� When you stop a person from speaking


Some things are better left unsaid.�� Listen�� A �There are subjects that should not be discussed.��� <�I really don�t know how to tell you this news�. � �Then don�t. Some things are better left unsaid�.>

Don�t waste your breath.�� Listen�� A �Don�t even speak because you won�t get anywhere with it.��� < �I�ll talk Bob into spending his vacations with us.� � �Don�t waste your breath. He already has other plans.�>

Keep it to yourself.�� Listen�� A �Don�t tell me about it.��� <�I�ve got bad news.� � �Keep it to yourself.�>

Spare me the story.�� Listen�� A �Don�t tell me your story.��� <�Spare me the story. I don�t want to hear anything.�>

Save it!�� Listen�� A �Save your story. Stop talking about it.��� <�Save it! I�m not interested.�>

Shut up!�� Listen�� A �Close your mouth!��� <�I�ve got more to say.� � �Shut up! I�ve heard enough.�>

Zip up your mouth!�� Listen�� <�You�ve said enough. Zip up your mouth.�>

Give it a rest!�� Listen�� A �Give your mouth a rest!��� <�It seems like you aren�t paying attention to what I�m saying.� � �Give it a rest! I�m tired of this conversation.�>

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5.28�� When you want to return to your point


What was I saying?�� Listen�� A �My train of thought was disrupted and now I am going to return to my point.��� <�I�m sorry. We got interrupted. What was I saying?�>

Where was I?�� Listen�� <�That telephone call made me lose the thread of my argument. Where was I?�>

What were we talking about?�� Listen�� <�What were we talking about? Oh, yes! You asked me an interesting question.�>

I�ve lost my train of thought for a moment.�� Listen�� <�Sorry, I�ve lost my train of thought for a moment. Let�s continue our conversation.�>

I�m a little absent-minded.�� Listen�� <�I�m a little absent-minded. Anyway, I want to go on with my story.�>

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5.29�� When you want a person to speak in simple language


Give it to me in plain English.�� Listen�� A �Tell it to me in clear language.��� <�This is way too complicated. Give it to me in plain English.�>

What does that mean in plain English?�� Listen�� <�I�m sorry. I don�t understand your point. What does that mean in plain English?�>

Stop circumventing the issue.�� Listen�� A �Stop maneuvering around the topic of discussion.��� <�Get to the point. Stop circumventing the issue.�>

Stop speaking in circles.�� Listen�� <�Cut to the chase. Stop speaking in circles.�>

Put your cards on the table.�� Listen�� A �Explain clearly.��� <�Tell me the full story. Put your cards on the table.�>

Don�t beat around the bush.�� Listen�� A �Don�t avoid an open talk.��� <�Answer my direct question. Don�t beat around the bush.�>

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5.30�� When you express understanding


I understand.�� Listen�� <�I got sick that day. This is why I did not show up.� � �I understand.�>

I see.   Listen   A “I see your point. I understand.”   <“Our airplane couldn’t take off on time due to some technical problem.” – “I see.”>

I get it.�� Listen�� <�Wildfires are common in California. Firefighters are ready all the time.� � �I get it.�>

I got it.�� Listen�� <�Every member of the crew must obey captain�s orders.� � �I got it.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



5.31�� When you want to interrupt and add some information


I�m sorry to interrupt, but you�re not exactly right.�� Listen�� <�Ma�am, I�m sorry to interrupt, but you�re not exactly right. There�re different opinions about that.�>

I beg your pardon, but I don�t think that�s entirely correct.�� Listen�� <�Boss, I beg your pardon, but I don�t think that�s entirely correct. Allow me to explain.�>

May I interrupt for a minute?�� Listen�� <�May I interrupt for a minute? The train is about to leave.� � �Oh, yes, we need to board the train immediately.�>

Can I say something?�� Listen�� <�We can go to the beach either in Santa Barbara or in Ventura, whichever you prefer.� � �Can I say something? I hate to rain on your parade, but I heard a storm advisory an hour ago.�>

Can I add something here?�� Listen�� <�You two have been arguing all day. Can I add something here?� � �What do you want to add to our highly scientific discussion?� � �Pipe down. Take your disagreements elsewhere.�>

Can I put in my two cents� worth?�� Listen�� A �Can I contribute some small value to the conversation?��� <�I�ve heard your arguments in favor of the new theory and against it. Can I put in my two cents� worth?�>

If I may.�� Listen�� A �If you allow me to interject a remark.��� <�Guys, if I may. Neither the Earth nor the Sun is the center of the universe. The universe is infinite, and both the Earth and the Sun are celestial bodies traveling across it.�>

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5.32�� When you want to highlight the seriousness of your point


I�m dead serious.�� Listen�� <�Listen, our project doesn�t have much chance. We�ve got to work harder to save it. I am dead serious.�>

I�m not kidding.�� Listen�� <�Our company is in a very bad shape. I�m not kidding.�>

No kidding.�� Listen�� A �I am not joking. It is serious.��� <�It appears like the dollar keeps falling.� � �No kidding. Look at store prices!�>

No pun intended.�� Listen�� <A sales associate in a store saw that a customer with a broken hand had a hard time loading his shopping cart and said, �Can I give you a hand? No pun intended.�>

Joking aside.�� Listen�� <�Some people taunt him about his habits. But joking aside, he is a very efficient manager.�>

What�s funny?�� Listen�� <�Guys, I am telling you the truth. What�s funny?�>

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