Ñèñòåìà Orphus

3������������� ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� Asking How Somebody Is


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* 3 Asking How Somebody Is


3.1 ��When you ask how somebody is in general


How are you doing?�� Listen�� < � �I�m doing all right.�>

How are you today?�� Listen�� < � �Not too good. I�m still sick.�>

How’s the world been treating you?   Listen   < – “Outstanding! I couldn’t ask for more.”>

Are you doing OK?�� Listen�� < � �I have nothing to complain about.�>

Are you OK?�� Listen�� < � �I�m great.�>

How are you feeling?�� Listen�� < � �I�m fine.�>

How do you feel?�� Listen�� < � �Pretty good, thank you. What about you?�>

How�s my boy?�� Listen�� < � �I�m OK, dad.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



3.2 ��When you ask how things are going


How�re things?�� Listen�� A �How are your circumstances?��� < � �Things are getting tough. But I�ll survive.�>

How�re things going?�� Listen�� < � �Fine. How are things with you?�>

How�re things with you?�� Listen�� < � �Things are great!�>

How�s every little thing?�� Listen�� < � �Could be better.�>

How�s everything going?�� Listen�� < � �I�ve been keeping out of trouble. How about you?�>

How’re you getting on?   Listen   A “How are you managing?”   < – “Wonderful! I couldn’t be better.”>

Is everything OK?�� Listen�� A �Are your circumstances OK?��� < � �Everything is pretty good.�>

What have you been doing lately?�� Listen�� < � �Not too much. Just taking care of business.�>

What have you been up to?�� Listen�� < � �I�ve been up to no good. And you?�>

How�s life?�� Listen�� < � �Life is good. How�s yours?�>

How�s business?�� Listen�� < � �Business is OK.�>

How�s work?�� Listen�� < � �Just fine. And yours?�>

How�s the family?�� Listen�� < � �They are fine. How�s yours?�>

How�s the wife?�� Listen�� < � �She�s doing all right. And yours?�>

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3.3�� When you ask about recent developments


What�s new?�� Listen�� A �What are new developments in the situation?��� < � �Not too much. Things are fine. What�s new with you?�>

What�s the news?�� Listen�� < � �Nothing.� � �Well, no news is good news.�>

What�s happening?�� Listen�� < � �Nothing important is going on around here.�>

What�s up?�� Listen�� < � �Nothing really.�>

What�s cooking?�� Listen�� A �What is happening?��� < � �Nothing much. Everything is ordinary.�>

What�s the deal?�� Listen�� < � �We are working in the garden, that�s it.�>

What�s the scoop?�� Listen�� A �What�s the news?��� <�Have you heard the latest about Kelly and Chris?� � �No. What�s the scoop?� � �They are getting married.�>

What�s going on around here?�� Listen�� < � �Not much.� � �Then what�s that racket?� � �Oh, our teenage son brought home a group of his friends. They are having fun.�>

Is anything going on?�� Listen�� A �Is there anything noticeable happening here?��� < � �No. Business as usual.�>

What else is new?�� Listen�� A �What you have told me is not news, so tell me something really new.��� <�Summer has come.� � �What else is new?�>

Listen to Entire Passage



3.4 ��When you are healthy and doing well


I�m doing just fine.�� Listen�� A �My health is good and things are great.��� <�How are you doing?� � �I�m doing just fine.� � �That�s great!�>

I�m doing fine.�� Listen�� <�How are you today?� � �I�m doing fine.�>

I�m just fine.�� Listen�� <�How are you?� � �I�m just fine.�>

I�m fine.�� Listen�� <�Are you OK?� � �I�m fine.�>

I�m doing OK.�� Listen�� A �My health is good and/or things are great.��� <�How are you doing?� � �I�m doing OK, thanks.�>

I�m OK.�� Listen�� <�How are you?� � �I�m OK, thanks. What about you?�>

I�m doing well.�� Listen�� <�How are you doing?� � �I�m doing well.�>

I�m well.�� Listen�� <�How are you?� � �I�m well. How about you?�>

I�m good.�� Listen�� < �Are you doing better today?� � �I�m good.�>

I�m great.�� Listen�� <�How are you feeling?� � �I�m great.�>

Outstanding!�� Listen�� <�How�s life? � �Outstanding!�>

Wonderful!�� Listen�� <�How�s work?� � � Wonderful!�>

Awesome!�� Listen�� <�How�s business?� � �Awesome!�>

Terrific!�� Listen�� <�How�s everything?� � �Terrific!�>

I can�t complain.�� Listen�� A �Everything is fine.��� <�I hope everything is OK with your new job.� � �I can�t complain. The pay is good and the hours aren�t long.�>

I have nothing to complain about.�� Listen�� <�Are you happy with your life?� � �I have nothing to complain about. Life�s been good to me.�>

I couldn�t ask for more.�� Listen�� <�Are you doing OK?� � �I couldn�t ask for more.�>

I�ve been keeping out of trouble.�� Listen�� <�How have you been?� � �I�ve been keeping out of trouble.�>

I�ve never been better.�� Listen�� <�How are you?� � �I�ve never been better.�>

I couldn�t be better.�� Listen�� <�How do you feel?� � �I couldn�t be better.�>

Things couldn�t be better.�� Listen�� <�How�s everything going?� � �Things couldn�t be better.�>

Everything�s coming up roses.�� Listen�� A �Everything is splendid.��� <�How�s every little thing?� � �Everything�s coming up roses. Life is great.�>

I�m sitting pretty.�� Listen�� A �The situation I am in continues to be favorable to me.��� <�How are you doing financially?� � �I�m sitting pretty. I have a job and some savings. My income exceeds my expenses.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



3.5 ��When you are generally doing well


Pretty good.�� Listen�� <�How�s life?� � �Pretty good.� � �I�m glad to hear that.�>

I’m getting by.   Listen   A “I am surviving but things could be better.”   <“How is it going?” – “I’m getting by.”>

I�m just getting by.�� Listen�� <�How�s life?� � �I�m just getting by.�>

I�ve been getting by.�� Listen�� <�How have you been?� � �I�ve been getting by.�>

Could be worse.�� Listen�� A �My situation isn�t as bad as it might be.��� <�How�s business?� � �Could be worse.�>

Things could be worse.�� Listen�� <�How�re things?� � �Things could be worse.�>

Same as always.�� Listen�� <�How�s work?� � �Same as always.�>

Same as usual.�� Listen�� <�How has it been?� � �Same as usual.�>

So-so.�� Listen�� A �I am doing satisfactorily, not too good, but not too bad either.��� <�How has the world been treating you?� � �So-so.�>

Plugging along.�� Listen�� <�How are you today?� � �Plugging along. And you?�>

Listen to Entire Passage



3.6�� When you are not doing well


Not good.�� Listen�� <�How are you doing?� � �Not good. I got sick and they fired me.� � �Don�t worry. Things will get better.�>

Not so good.�� Listen�� <�How are you?� � �Not so good. I have health problems.�>

Not too good.�� Listen�� <�How are you feeling?� � �Not too good. I�ve got a headache.�>

Not well.�� Listen�� <�How are you today?� � �Not well. I have a cold.�>

Not so well.�� Listen�� <�How�re things with you?� � �Not so well. I have financial problems.�>

Not too well.�� Listen�� <�How has the world been treating you?� � �Not too well. I have problems at work.�>

Not great.�� Listen�� <�How do you feel?� � �Not great. I need a rest.�>

Not so great.�� Listen�� <�How have you been?� � �Not so great. Life is a struggle, you know.� � �Oh, don�t say it.�>

Could be better.�� Listen�� A �My situation isn�t as good as it might be.��� <�How�s life?� � �Could be better. I�ve been unemployed for a few months.�>

Things could be better.�� Listen�� (used with could or might)�� <�How�re things?� � �Things could be better. It�s very hard to make money these days.�>

Things haven�t been easy.�� Listen�� <�How have you been? I heard you had lost your job.� � �Things haven�t been easy. But I have survived.�>

I�ve seen better days.�� Listen�� A �Things have been difficult recently. It was better in the past.��� <�How�s your business?� � �I�ve seen better days. Activity is down.�>

I�ve had better days.�� Listen�� <�How�re you getting on?� � �I�ve had better days. One thing leads to another, you know.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



3.7�� When you have been busy


I�ve been busy.�� Listen�� <�How�s everything?� � �I�ve been busy.� � �That�s good.�>

I�ve been keeping busy.�� Listen�� <�How have you been?� � �I�ve been keeping busy.�>

I�ve been keeping myself busy.�� Listen�� <�What have you been doing?� � �I�ve been keeping myself busy.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



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