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14������������ ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� Well-being, Health, Medicine p.4


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* 14 Well-being, Health, Medicine (p.4 of 6)


14.16�� When you have a stinging pain


It stings.�� Listen�� A �I feel a sharp pain.��� <�There is a burning sensation in my nose when I sneeze violently. It stings. To alleviate it, I use a nasal spray.�>

I�ve got a stinging sensation.�� Listen�� <�It looks like my face got burnt by the sun. I�ve got a stinging sensation.�>

It burns when I go to the bathroom.�� Listen�� A �I feel a sharp pain���� <�It burns when I go to the bathroom. It is so painful I almost cry.�>

It smarts.�� Listen�� <�My wound is getting better. It smarts, though.�>

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14.17�� When you are bleeding


I�m bleeding.�� Listen�� <�I�ve got a big wound on the leg. I am bleeding.�>

It won't stop bleeding.�� Listen�� <�Look at my wound. It won�t stop bleeding.�>

It keeps bleeding.�� Listen�� <�Put some ice on my nose. It keeps bleeding.�>

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14.18�� When you have a bowel problem


I've got diarrhea.�� Listen�� <�I guess, I drank some unclean water. I�ve got diarrhea.�>

I�m constipated.�� Listen�� <�I need a laxative. I am constipated.�>

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14.19�� When you have an allergy


I�m allergic to pollen.�� Listen�� <�Usually, I�m not well in spring. I am allergic to pollen.�>

I�m allergic to dust.�� Listen�� <�Please, don�t turn the vacuum cleaner on while I�m here. I am allergic to dust.�>

I�m allergic to chocolate.�� Listen�� <�Thank you for the birthday cake. I can�t eat it, though. I am allergic to chocolate.�>

I�m allergic to strawberries.�� Listen�� <�I can�t eat several fruits. In particular, I am allergic to strawberries.�>

I can't have chocolate.�� Listen�� <�I am allergic to cocoa. I can�t have chocolate.�>

I can't eat strawberries.�� Listen�� <�Due to my allergy, I can hardly eat nuts. Also, I can�t eat strawberries.�>

I can't drink milk.�� Listen�� <�I can�t drink milk. I�m lactose intolerant.�>

I can't have dairy products.�� Listen�� <�I can�t have dairy products. Especially, I can�t eat ice cream.�>

My allergy is acting up.�� Listen�� ��I need to take my pills. My allergy is acting up.�>

I feel feverish.�� Listen�� <�I feel feverish. I�m hypersensitive to peanuts.�>

I get the chills.�� Listen�� <�I get the chills. My eyes are red. I am allergic to airborne toxins produced by various plants.�>

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14.20�� When you have a lump


I have a lump here.�� Listen�� A �There is a swelling in this place.��� <�Look, I have a lump here.�>



14.21�� When you have a particular disease


I have asthma.�� Listen�� <�I must avoid allergens. I have asthma.�>

I am asthmatic.�� Listen�� <�I have shortness of breath. I am asthmatic.�>

I have diabetes.�� Listen�� <�I am on a strict diet. I have diabetes.�>

I am diabetic.�� Listen�� �<�I have to avoid sweets. I am diabetic.�>

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14.22�� When you have got a trauma


I got hit with a door.�� Listen�� <�How did you get that bump on your forehead?� � �I got hit with a door.�>

I got hit with a ball.�� Listen�� <�How did you get that black eye?� � �I got hit with a ball.�>

I tripped.�� Listen�� <�Why are you limping?� � �I tripped. It was dark in the street. Now my foot hurts.�>

I fell off a bike.�� Listen�� <�What happened? Your arm is bandaged.� � �I fell off a bike.�>

I fell down the stairs.�� Listen�� <�Why are you walking with a crutch?� � �I fell down the stairs.�>

I was in an accident.�� Listen�� <�I was in an accident. My rib is broken. Thank God nobody died.�>

I was in a fight.�� Listen�� <�What happened with your face?� � �I was in a fight. The guy was twice larger than I.�>

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