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12������������ ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� Stress, Anxiety, Excitement p.1


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* 12 Stress, Anxiety, Excitement (p.1 of 9)


12.1�� When you are stressed out


I�m very anxious.�� Listen�� A �I feel anxiety, apprehension, uncertainty���� <�My test is scheduled for tomorrow. I�m very anxious.�>

I�m falling apart at the seams.�� Listen�� A �I am breaking down mentally.��� <�I can lose my job. It is so stressful. I�m falling apart at the seams.�>

I feel like I�m falling apart at the seams.�� Listen�� <�I�m working too much. I feel like I�m falling apart at the seams.�>

I�m on pins and needles.�� Listen�� A �I am in the state of nervous anticipation.��� <�I�m waiting for my pregnancy test result. I�m on pins and needles.�>

I�m sitting on pins and needles.�� Listen�� <�I�m about to receive an acceptance letter from college. I�m sitting on pins and needles.�>

I�m losing my mind.�� Listen�� A �I am becoming crazy.��� <�I feel like my life is stuck in a rut. I�m losing my mind.�>

I feel like I�m losing my mind.�� Listen�� <�This work is killing me. I feel like I�m losing my mind.�>

I�m losing my marbles.�� Listen�� A �I am losing my mind.��� <�This hectic workplace made me insane. I�m losing my marbles.�>

I�m a bundle of nerves.�� Listen�� A �I am a nervous person.��� <�I received a word about my job interview. Now, I am a bundle of nerves.�>

Everyone is getting on my nerves.�� Listen�� A �Everybody is annoying me.��� <�I don�t sleep or eat well anymore. Everyone is getting on my nerves.�>

Am I crazy?�� Listen�� A �Am I insane?��� <�Everything is getting on my nerves. Am I crazy?�>

I�m going crazy.�� Listen�� <�I can�t use subway. A crowd and narrow space frighten me. I�m going crazy.�>

I think I�m crazy.�� Listen�� <�My co-workers say I�m eccentric and out of balance. I think I�m crazy.�>

I�m going nuts.�� Listen�� A �I am going crazy.��� <�I believe I�ve spent too much time with my cousin. I�m going nuts.�>

I�m starting to feel like a nut.�� Listen�� <�I have to get out of this office. I�m starting to feel like a nut.�>

I�m freaking out.�� Listen�� A �I am becoming emotional and losing control.��� <�The boss�s constant anger is driving me crazy. I�m freaking out.�>

I can�t take it anymore.�� Listen�� <�The telephone hasn�t stopped ringing all morning. I can�t take it anymore.�>

I can�t take another problem.�� Listen�� <�The company I�m working for may close down. I can�t take another problem.�>

I just can�t deal with this anymore.�� Listen�� <�Don�t they have too many commercials on television? I just can�t deal with this anymore.�>

I�ve got butterflies in my stomach.�� Listen�� A �I�ve got a nervous feeling.��� <�My dental appointment is tomorrow. I�ve got butterflies in my stomach since I recalled about it.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.2�� When you are depressed


I�m depressed.�� Listen�� A �I am low in spirits.��� <�I was defeated in a contest. I�m depressed.�>

I�m feeling low.�� Listen�� <�This movie put me in a bad mood. I�m feeling low.�>

I�m feeling down.�� Listen�� <�My girlfriend is leaving me. I�m feeling down.�>

I�m feeling a little blue.�� Listen�� <�I�m lonely in a strange town. I�m feeling a little blue.�>

I�m feeling mentally under the weather.�� Listen�� <�I�m constantly having conflicts at work. I�m feeling mentally under the weather.�>

I�m in the doldrums.�� Listen�� <�My financial situation is not improving. I�m in the doldrums.�>

I�m down in the dumps.�� Listen�� <�I�ve lost my job. I�m down in the dumps.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.3�� When a situation is tough


It�s hell on Earth.�� Listen�� A �This situation is really bad.��� <�War is awful. It�s hell on Earth.�>

It�s a living hell.�� Listen�� <�Her marriage is a disaster. It�s a living hell.�>

You don�t know the half of it.�� Listen�� A �The situation is worse than you might think.��� <�I heard the situation in the disaster zone is pretty bad.� � �You don�t know the half of it. It�s a catastrophe.�>

That�ll be the death of me.�� Listen�� A �The situation will ruin me.��� <�Both my children are unemployed now, and I�ve got to take care of them. That�ll be the death of me.�>

I feel like a fish out of water.�� Listen�� <�I can hardly work in the new company. People are so strange there. I feel like a fish out of water.�>

I am in the wrong place at the wrong time.�� Listen�� <�Our company is in trouble. I�m in the wrong place at the wrong time.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.4�� When you are pushed to the limit of your patience


This is more than I can take.�� Listen�� A �This is more than I can tolerate.��� <�The comedy we are watching is just silly. This is more than I can take.�>

This is more than I can possibly take.�� Listen�� <�My sister has got a temporary job. She is babysitting a tiger. This is more than I can possibly take.�>

This is more than I can stand.�� Listen�� <�I�ve had enough of your whining. This is more than I can stand.�>

This is more than I can bear.�� Listen�� <�I can�t watch television any more. It is so repetitive. This is more than I can bear.�>

It�s too much.�� Listen�� A �It is more than I can bear.��� <�I don�t like this movie at all. It�s too much.�>

It�s way too much.�� Listen�� <�The media is misleading the public with their interpretation of the story. It�s way too much.�>

You�re too much.�� Listen�� A �You are too big of a problem.��� <�I can�t stand your pranks. You�re too much.�>

It�s over the top.�� Listen�� A �It exceeds the limit of normality.��� <�You can�t blame me for everything. It�s over the top.�>

I�ve had enough of it.�� Listen�� A �I have had too much of this situation.��� <�I can�t Listen to your yelling any more. Stop it. I�ve had enough of it.�>

I�ve had enough.�� Listen�� <�I can�t live with you. I�ve had enough. I�m leaving.�>

I�ve had it.�� Listen�� <�You�re never happy with my work. I�ve had it. I quit.�>

I�ve had it up to here.�� Listen�� <�I can�t stay in your house for another minute. I�ve had it up to here.�>

That�s it.�� Listen�� A �That�s the end of my patience.��� <�Every word of yours is a blatant lie. That�s it. I�m gone.�>

That does it.�� Listen�� A �That brings my patience to the end.��� <�I�ve received another nasty letter from the credit card company. That does it. I�m cancelling my account with them.�>

That’s the last straw.   Listen   AThat’s the last straw that breaks my patience.”   <“I can’t stand your antics. That’s the last straw. I’m out of here.”>

I’m fed up with this.   Listen   <“Did you flirt with my sister in front of me? I’m fed up with this. I’m leaving.”>

Listen to Entire Passage



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